Steven Baker, Photographer
Digital artist, Photographer, dream recorder.
Digital Artistry
This is not photography, its a digital masterpiece. A hard recording of the moment, the beauty of a slice of time. Unique, one off pieces of art that can not be replicated.
About Steven Baker
Born in Plymouth, the oceanic city on the southwestern English coast. Nourished by brisk sea air, home brewed cider, and pasties. I have a lust for traveling and documenting the beauty of the world. exploring places such as Australia, Iceland, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean.
Extremely versatile and creative. Previously specializing in experimental, landscapes and night photography. I have shot for catalogues, author headshots, weddings, fetish ballroom parties, websites, model portfolios, charity events, music concerts, nightclub advertisements, sporting events and fine artistry. Skilled in digital and film production. Theres nothing as a digital artist i can not do.
My passion is for experimental photography. Finding new and creative ways of capturing abstract images using an in-depth knowledge of the whole electromagnetic spectrum.
I studied Radiography, diagnostic imaging, Photography and digital imaging at degree level. I create totally unique imaging out of X-rays, ultra-violet light and Infrared. adapting radiographic techniques, knowledge of physics and creative arts, combined with my flamboyant and crazy personality, I do some really weird stuff.
My current photographic direction is to pass the photographic threshold and create one off fine art images. totally unique, never to be replicated. Photography has become mainstream, accessible everywhere and to everyone. It's my passion to do something nobody else can. An artist's work can't be recreated, and neither can mine.
Fine Art Photography
A vision, an idea, message or emotion. I use photography as a medium to express my creativity. As a reflex against mainstream photography, my images are one off unique works of art with depth, meaning and power.